• Core
  • Connectors
  • WalletConnect Legacy

WalletConnect v1 has been sunset. You must migrate to the WalletConnect v2 Connector before June 28, after which, this Connector will be removed.

WalletConnect Legacy

The WalletConnectLegacyConnector uses WallectConnect v1 by default and wraps the WalletConnect Ethereum Provider and supports its configuration options. This is a great option for adding support for many wallets to your app.

import { WalletConnectLegacyConnector } from '@wagmi/core/connectors/walletConnectLegacy'


import { WalletConnectLegacyConnector } from '@wagmi/core/connectors/walletConnectLegacy'
const connector = new WalletConnectLegacyConnector({
  options: {
    qrcode: true,


chains (optional)

Chains supported by app. Defaults to defaultChains.

import { mainnet, optimism, polygon } from '@wagmi/core/chains'
import { WalletConnectLegacyConnector } from '@wagmi/core/connectors/walletConnectLegacy'
const connector = new WalletConnectLegacyConnector({
  chains: [mainnet, optimism, polygon],
  options: {
    qrcode: true,


projectId (optional)

WalletConnect Cloud Project ID. Required for WalletConnect v2. You can find your Project ID here.

import { WalletConnectLegacyConnector } from '@wagmi/core/connectors/walletConnectLegacy'
const connector = new WalletConnectLegacyConnector({
  options: {
    qrcode: true,
    projectId: '...',

Other options

You can pass through options supported by the WalletConnect v1 WalletConnectProvider or the WalletConnect v2 UniversalProvider:

import { WalletConnectLegacyConnector } from '@wagmi/core/connectors/walletConnectLegacy'
const connector = new WalletConnectLegacyConnector({
  options: {
    qrcode: true,
    rpc: {
      1: 'https://eth-mainnet.alchemyapi.io/v2/yourAlchemyId',